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2018-2019 CSS Profile 问题解答









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发表于 2018-8-22 17:13:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2018-2019 CSS Profile 问题解答

This guide provides the basic information you need to complete your CSS Profile application at cssprofile.org starting Oct. 1, 2018.

WHAT is the CSS Profile?  
The CSS Profile is an online application that collects information used by nearly 400 colleges and scholarship programs to award non-federal aid. (For federal aid you must complete the FAFSA, available Oct. 1 at fafsa.ed.gov.) Some colleges may require the CSS Profile from both biological/adoptive parents in cases of divorce or separation.

WHEN do I complete the CSS Profile?
You may complete the CSS Profile as early as Oct. 1, 2017. You should submit no later than two weeks before the EARLIEST priority filing date specified by your colleges.  

WHO must complete the CSS Profile?
Check your colleges’ information to determine whether they require the CSS Profile. A list of participating colleges is also found on the CSS Profile Homepage.  

HOW do I complete the CSS Profile?  You submit the CSS Profile at cssprofile.org. Once you signin, you will find a list of useful documents, such as your federal tax returns and other financial information that you’ll need to have at hand to complete the application. Help is provided within the application and additional help is available by chat, phone, or email by clicking “Contact Us” in the application.

WHAT does the CSS Profile cost?
The fee for the initial application is $25. Additional reports are $16. Payment may be made via credit or debit card. Fee waivers may be granted to domestic students who are firsttime college applicants and who have used a SAT fee waiver, have an income of $45,000 or less, or are an orphan or ward of the court under the age of 24. This waiver covers the application fee and the reporting fees for up to eight colleges.  

The Process:  

1. Sign-in – Use your College Board username and password or sign up for a new account. If you created an account for the SAT or to view your PSAT or AP scores, you should use the same user name and password for your CSS Profile application.   

2. Complete the Application – As you answer questions, the system builds an application tailored to your family’s situation.  The application provides online help and edits to guide you. You do not need to complete the application in one sitting; save your application and return to complete it at any time.  

3. Submit the Application
– The date and time you submit your completed application will be recorded based on Eastern Time and your reports will be sent to the colleges you selected.  

4. Review Your Dashboard – Once you submit your application, your dashboard will include your payment receipt and any next steps, such as submitting documents to the Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC).   

You may add a college at any time. Sign in to the CSS Profile and click Add a College or Program on your Dashboard. You will be charged $16 for each college you add. Any unused fee waivers will be automatically applied to your charges.  
Questions? Customer Service Representatives are available via email, online chat, and phone.  Visit collegeboard.org/contact-us#css for more details.


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