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发表于 2016-10-30 14:19:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Aug 2015
In each annual NationalMerit Scholarship Program, about 50,000 academically talented high schoolstudents are
honored, but only some16,000 of them are named Semifi nalists. Students who qualify as Semifi nalistsbased on their
performance on thePreliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®) are the only program
participants who have anopportunity to advance to the Finalist level and compete for National MeritScholarships. About
7,400 of the outstandingFinalists will be chosen as Merit Scholarship® winners in the 2016competition.
Initiated in 1955, theNational Merit Program is conducted by National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), a
not-for-profi torganization that operates without government assistance. A sizable number ofNational Merit Scholarships
to be offered in 2016 willbe underwritten by NMSC with its own funds, but most will be supported by some 440 independent
corporate organizations andhigher education institutions.
A description of thecurrent National Merit Program—including entry requirements, groups of honoredstudents,
and scholarships to beoffered—was in the 2014 Offi cial Student Guide to the PSAT/NMSQT distributedto students before
they entered thecompetition. This document gives additional information for Semifi nalists andincludes a chart of steps
in the 2016 scholarshipcompetition.
National Merit, Merit Scholarship, MeritScholar, and the corporate “Lamp of Learning” logo are federally registeredservice marks of National
Merit ScholarshipCorporation. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark ofNational Merit Scholarship Corporation and the College Board. SAT is a
registered trademark of theCollege Board. The College Board was not involved in the production of thisdocument.
How wereSemifi nalists designated?
The 2014 PSAT/NMSQT served as an initial screenof more
than 1.5 million entrantsto the 2016 National Merit Scholarship
Program. The SelectionIndex scores of students
who met programparticipation requirements were used to
designate a pool of about16,000 Semifi nalists on a state
allocation basis. Semifi nalistsare the highest scorers in
each of the 50 states andrepresent less than one percent
of each state’s high schoolseniors. Although Semifi nalist
qualifying scores vary fromone state to another, the scores
of all Semifi nalists areextremely high.
In addition to thosedesignated in each of the 50 states
and without affecting theallocation to any state, Semifi -
nalists were named in otherselection units established by
NMSC for the competition. Theseunits are for participants
who attend schools in the District of Columbia,schools
in U.S. territories and commonwealths,schools in other
countries, and U.S.boarding schools that enroll a sizable
proportion of theirstudents from outside the state in which
the school is located.
How will NMSC honor Semifinalists?
Semifi nalists in the 2016National Merit Program will be
recognized in anannouncement sent to news media nationwide
for release on September 9,2015. By spotlighting
Semifi nalists, NMSC hopes to increase generalinterest in
academic excellence andencourage broader support for
the education of talentedyoung people. To help enhance
their educationalopportunities, a list of Semifi nalists
(by high school) will besent to four-year U.S.colleges
and universities.
What isthe next step for Semifi nalists?
Before they can beconsidered for Merit Scholarship
awards, Semifi nalists mustqualify as Finalists by completing
the National MeritScholarship Application using
NMSC’s Online ScholarshipApplication (OSA) and fulfi
lling several other requirements.(See Requirements
and Instructions for Semifinalists whichis posted online
in the “CompetitionInstructions” section of the OSA.)
Semifi nalists who do notmeet all specifi ed requirements
and deadlines cannot becomeFinalists; they will be notifi
ed by NMSC or an offi cial of theirhigh school that they
have been withdrawn fromthe competition.
How willSemifi nalists know if they become
By mid-February, NMSC will notify Finalists attheir
home addresses. NMSC also will inform high schoolprincipals
about the status of theirSemifi nalists and provide
a Certifi cate of Merit forpresentation to each one who
qualifi es as a Finalist. NMSC does not make a news media
announcement aboutFinalists because Semifi nalists
are publicly honored andapproximately 90 percent of
the Semifi nalists areexpected to reach the Finalist level.
A Semifi nalist can advanceto Finalist standing and be
considered for a NationalMerit Scholarship in only one
specifi c annualcompetition.
WhatMerit Scholarship awards will be offered?
About 7,400 National MeritScholarships of three types
will be offered in 2016:
2,500 single-paymentNational Merit $2500 Scholarships
for which all Finalistswill be considered;
about 1,000corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship
awards for which Finalistswho meet a company or business
grantor’s specifi edcriteria will be considered; and
some 3,900college-sponsored Merit Scholarship
awards for which onlyFinalists who will attend their
respective sponsorinstitutions are considered.
August 2015
All Merit Scholar® designees are chosen on thebasis of
their abilities,accomplishments, and potential for success
in rigorous collegestudies—without regard to gender,
race, ethnic origin,religious preference, or family fi nancial
circumstances. Although allstudents who become
Finalists are outstanding,not all Finalists receive a Merit
Scholarship award. In the2016 program, about half of the
approximately 15,000Finalists will win an award, and
no student will receivemore than one scholarship offer
from NMSC.
How areNational Merit $2500 Scholarship
Every Finalist isconsidered for one of the National Merit
$2500 Scholarships. Most ofthese one-time scholarships
are supported by NMSC’s own funds. Business organizations
that providecorporate-sponsored awards help
underwrite a portion ofthese scholarships with grants
they provide to NMSC in lieu of payingadministrative
fees. As in the designationof Semifi nalists, these awards
are allocated on astate-representational basis according to
the state’s percentage ofthe national total of high school
graduates; winners are alsonamed in the other selection
units established for thecompetition. Each Finalist competes
with all others in thestate/unit that includes the
high school in which thestudent is enrolled when winners
are chosen.
In late January 2016, acommittee of experienced
college admission offi cersand high school counselors
will meet to choose thewinners of National Merit $2500
Scholarships. Committeeteams analyze and evaluate all
Finalists’ scholarshipapplications based on information
supplied by students andtheir schools, which includes:
the academic record;
the school’s recommendationof the Finalist;
a student essay;
extracurricular activities;and
scores on the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT®.
Because every Semifi nalistwho qualifi es as a Finalist
has an excellent academicrecord and outstanding test
scores, the school official’s characterization of the student
and the student’s essayplay an important part in the process
of choosing Merit Scholardesignees. Activities, awards,
and employment are alsoconsidered. Winners in each
state (or other selectionunit) will be the Finalists judged
by committee members tohave the most distinguished
credentials and potentialfor academic success, without
consideration of fi nancialneed, college choice, or major
and career plans.
Who canwin a corporate-sponsored Merit
About 1,000corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship
awards will be offered in2016 to Finalists who meet
specifi ed criteria. Mostof the 250 corporate sponsors that
underwrite thesescholarships designate them for children
of their employees;however, some sponsors specify their
awards for residents ofcommunities in which the company
has plants or offi ces, orfor Finalists pursuing college
majors and careers thegrantor organization wishes to
encourage. (See Sponsorsof National Merit® Scholarships
which is posted online inthe “Competition Instructions”
section of the OSA.)
Information Finalistssupply on their National Merit
Scholarship Applications will be used to identifycandidates
for corporate-sponsoredawards. NMSC’s professional staff
will choose almost allrecipients from the pool of eligible
candidates, based on anevaluation of their abilities, academic
records, andaccomplishments both in and out of
school. Offi cials of a fewsponsor organizations will make
their own selections fromeligible Finalists.
Each corporate sponsorspecifi es the monetary limits
of scholarships it finances and decides whether the awards
provide one-time paymentsor stipends that can be renewed
for up to four years ofundergraduate study. Renewable
awards provide either a fixed yearly stipend or an annual
stipend that can vary byindividual. Stipend ranges are
given in the table below.
Type of award Type ofstipend Stipend ranges
Renewable Variable Minimum:at least $500
Maximum: $2,000 or
more per year
Renewable Fixed$1,000–$5,000 per year
One-time Single-payment$2,500–$5,000
Although fi nancial need isnot considered in the selection
of award recipients,winners of scholarships with
variable-amount stipendsmay wish to be considered for
more than the minimumannual stipend. When scholarship
offers are sent to winners,annual stipends are set at the
minimum, but instructionsare given for submitting family
fi nancial information.Variable stipends are then individually
determined, taking intoaccount the fi nancial circumstances
of the Scholar’s family andcollege costs.
WhichFinalists can be considered for
college-sponsoredMerit Scholarship awards?
About 190 colleges anduniversities have made arrangements
with NMSC to sponsor National MeritScholarships
in the 2016 competition,and it is expected that some 3,900
of these awards will beoffered to Finalists next spring.
(See Sponsors ofNational Merit® Scholarships which is
posted online in the“Competition Instructions” section of
the OSA.) To be considered for acollege-sponsored award,
a Finalist must meet allthree of the following conditions.
The Finalist:
must have notifi ed NMSC that the sponsor college ishis
or her fi rst choice;
must have applied foradmission to that institution; and
must not have beenoffered any other National Merit
Every college-sponsoredaward is offered with the condition
that the Finalist has beenadmitted and will attend the
sponsor college. Becauseevery college-sponsored award
can be used only atthe institution fi nancing it, the scholarship
is canceled if the winnerchanges college choice.
Also, if NMSC receives notice of a changein college
choice from a Finalist towhom a college-sponsored Merit
Scholarship offer hasalready been mailed, the student
cannot be offered anothercollege-sponsored award—even
if the new choice ofcollege is one that also sponsors
Merit Scholarship awards.(See page 3 of the Requirements
and Instructions document which is postedonline
in the “CompetitionInstructions” section of the OSA orat
Early in March, NMSC will begin notifying each
sponsor college aboutFinalists who have reported that institution
as their fi rst choice.College offi cials will choose
all winners of their MeritScholarship awards from among
these Finalists. A sponsorcollege may decide to offer a
Merit Scholarship award toevery Finalist who is admitted
or choose to limit thenumber of awards it provides. After
receiving the college’sreport of its winner selections, NMSC
will mail formalscholarship offers to the selected Finalists.
Within limits of $500 to$2,000 per year, college offi
cials will set eachwinner’s Merit Scholarship stipend,
using fi nancialinformation fi led with the institution. The
college may choose to offera fi nancial aid “package” that
includes grants, loans, andemployment; however, unless
the student’s total financial need (as calculated by the college)
is met with gift aid, theMerit Scholarship stipend
must represent at leasthalf the winner’s need, up to a maximum
stipend of $2,000 per year.
Are thererequirements that National Merit
Scholarshipwinners must meet?
Yes. Terms of thescholarship are specifi ed in the online
component of the formaloffer NMSC sends each winner.
These govern acceptance andreceipt of the award and,
in the case of four-yearscholarships, specify addi tional
requirements forscholarship renewal in subsequent
academic years. The Scholarmust apply and be admitted
to the college at which thescholarship will be used. All
Merit Scholarship paymentsmust be used exclusively for
undergraduate education ata college or university in the
United States that holds accreditedstatus with a regional
accrediting commission onhigher education; NMSC scholarship
stipends are not payable,however, for attendance
at service academies,virtual universities, or certain institutions
that are limited in theirpurpose or training. Merit
Scholarship recipients alsomust enroll in college in the fall
following selection, mustattend college full time during
the day, and must pursue acourse of study leading to one
of the traditionalbaccalaureate degrees. Although a college
transfer cancels acollege-sponsored Merit Scholarship
award, all National Merit$2500 Scholarships and almost
all corporate-sponsoredawards are transferable from one
regionally accredited U.S.institution to another.
When dowinners receive scholarship
Next September, recipientsof one-time awards will be sent
a single payment in thefull scholarship amount. At that
time, winners of renewableawards will be issued the fi rst
installment of their annualstipend; additional payments
will be sent on a scheduledbasis (usually twice annually)
for up to four years ofundergraduate study or until baccalaureate
degree requirements aremet, whichever occurs
fi rst. NMSC sends stipend checks forscholarship recipients
to their college fi nancialaid offi ces.
When willFinalists learn whether they have won
aNational Merit Scholarship?
In March 2016, NMSC will begin mailingscholarship
offers to winners at theirhome addresses, with confi dential
notifi cation to their highschool principals. (See the schedule
in the Requirements andInstructions document.) After
NMSC receives award acceptances,the names of Merit
Scholar designees will bereleased to news media nationwide
in four announcements, onefor each type of award on
three dates in April, May,and June, and a second release of
college-sponsored awardwinners in July.
In mid-May 2016, NMSC will notify Finalists whohave
not won a National MeritScholarship. However, a few additional
scholarships may becomeavailable after this date;
recipients of those awardswill be notifi ed and their names
released to news mediaduring the summer.
Direct questions about thecompetition to:
National Merit ScholarshipCorporation
Attn: ScholarshipAdministration
1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 200
Evanston, IL 60201-4897
Telephone (847) 866-5161
For acomplete explanation of steps, requirements, and dates for the competition, seepages 1–3 of this
documentand the Requirements and Instructions for Semifi nalists document. Bothdocuments can be
found atwww.nationalmerit.org/resources.php and in the Competition Instructions sectionof the OSA.
Semifinalists and their high schools
electronicallysubmit National Merit Scholarship
Applicationsusing the Online Scholarship
Application(OSA); Semifi nalists make
arrangementsfor reporting of SAT® scores
15,000Semifi nalists advance to Finalist
standing;their Certifi cates of Merit are
sent tohigh schools and selection of Merit
Scholar® awardeesbegins
16,000Semifi nalists notifi ed and their names
releasedto media
Semifinalists who
do notadvance to
notifi ed
2,500 NationalMerit
winnersnotifi ed
notifi ed
Releaseto media of
early May2016
Releaseto media of
June andJuly 2016
selectedas Merit
winnersnotifi ed
May 2016
7,400Merit Scholar
designeesnotifi ed
notifi ed
Releaseto media of
mid-April 2016


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