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College Board 取消一些考试内容

2021-1-19 15:25| 发布者: admin| 查看: 48909| 评论: 0

摘要: Today, the College Board released an update regarding their SAT and SAT Subject tests. We would like to share this information with you so that you are aware of these changes and how they affect your ...

Today, the College Board released an update regarding their SAT and SAT Subject tests. We would like to share this information with you so that you are aware of these changes and how they affect your high school planning and college application profile. The major changes are as follows:


1.       The College Board will no longer offer SAT Subject Tests.


Students in the U.S. will have any registrations for Subject Tests canceled and refunded. For international students, if they wish to cancel their registrations and receive a refund, they must contact Customer Service (+1-212-713-8000).


2.       The SAT Essay section will be discontinued.


The SAT with Essay will be offered until June 2021, but after that, it will no longer be offered in most states.


The full article can be found here: https://allaccess.collegeboard.org/update-reducing-and-simplifying-demands-students







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