医本连读项目参考: Albany MedicalCollege 8 year MS/MBA Leadership in Medical Management at UnionCollege, NY 8 year Program in Science, Humanities and Medicine at SienaCollege, NY 7 year Accelerated Physician-Scientist Program at RensselaerPolytechnic Institute, NY Baylor College ofMedicine 8 year Medical Scholar program with Rice University 8 year Guaranteed Admission Program with Baylor University 8 year program exclusively for DeBakey High School forHealth Professions seniors 8 year Premedical Honors College with University ofTexas-Pan American and South Texas High Boston UniversitySchool of Medicine 7 year program of Liberal Arts and Medical Education 8 year Engineering/Medical Integrated Curriculum for BUEngineering sophomore students Early Medical School Selection Program with 14 institutionsand 10 historically minority schools. Brown UniversityWarren Alpert School of Medicine 8 year Program in Liberal Medical Education Case Western ReserveUniversity School of Medicine 8 year Pre–Professional Medical Scholars Program City College of NewYork Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education 7 year integrated program with 6 medical school Drexel UniversityCollege of Medicine 7 year program for Arts, Science and Business majors 8 year program for Engineering and BME majors Accelerated, Early Assurance, Scholar and linkage programs Robert Morris University, Muhlenberg College,Monmouth University, etc. Floridia AtlanticUniversity 7/8 year BA/MD program George WashingtonUniversity School of Medicine and Health Sciences 7 year BA/MD program at GWU 8 year BS/MD or BA/MD program at St. Bonaventure Universityin New York 8 year early selection program as a college sophomore from the followingcolleges: ClaremontMcKenna College,Colgate University,Franklin & MarshallCollege, George MasonUniversity, Hampden-SydneyCollege, KnoxCollege, LyonCollege, RowanUniversity, ScrippsCollege, St. Bonaventure University, University of Maryland Howard UniversityCollege of Medicine 6 year BS/MD Accelerated Medical Education Program Indiana UniversitySchool of Medicine 8 year Rural Health program with Indiana State University - IndianaResidents only Indiana University-Purdue University (IUPUI) HonorsProfessional Admissions Program Jefferson MedicalCollege with Penn State 6/7 year joint accelerated program with Pennsylvania StateUniversity 8 year Medical Scholar Program with University of Delawarefreshman only Loyola University,Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago 8 year Early Assurance Program Medical College ofGeorgia 8 year Georgia Regents UniversityMedical Scholar Program Mount Sinai School of Medicine FlexMed Program for Fall of sophomre year Meharry MedicalCollege 8 year Fisk University – MeharryJoint PreMed Program 7/8 year BS/MD program for African American students Northeastern OhioMedical University Formerly known as NEOCOM 6/7 year program , Ohio residentspreferred, Undergrad at The University of Akron, Kent State University and Youngstown State University. NorthwesternUniversity Feinberg School of Medicine 7/8 year Honors Program in Medical Education 8 year Undergraduate Premedical Scholars Program for NU studentsonly Rush Medical College IllinoisInstitute of Technology Honors Program in Engineering for IIT sophomores only Rutgers - New Jersey Medical School 7 year BA/MD program with 8 institutions 8 year BA/MD program with Montclair State University 7/8 year articulated program with Rutgers University sophomorestudents only Rutgers - Robert WoodJohnson Medical School 8 year BA/MD program with Rutgers University of New Jersey State University of New York Upstate MedicalSchool 8 year special admissions programs State University ofNew York Downstate Medical Center 8 year BA-MD program with Brooklyn College Early Assurance Program with college juniors at PolytechnicUniversity Early Assurance Program with college sophomores at The College ofStaten Island Stony BrookUniversity Health Sciences Center School of Medicine 8 year Scholars in Medicine Program 8 year Engineering Scholars for Medicine St. Louis UniversitySchool of Medicine 8 year Medical Scholar Program allows sophomores in program toapply early Temple UniversitySchool of Medicine 8 year BA/MD program at Duquesne University,Washington & JeffersonCollege, and Widener University. Texas A & MUniversity System Health Science Center College of Medicine 8 year Partnership for Primary Care Program for Texas residents fromunderserved areas. Texas Tech UniversityHealth Sciences School of Medicine 8 year BA/MD program for Texasresidents only Tufts UniversitySchool of Medicine 8 year Early Assurance Program for sophomore students from thefollowing institutions: Tufts University, Brandeis University,Boston College, College of the Holy Cross, and Northeastern University 8 year Maine Track Early Assurance program for sophomore studentsfrom the following institutions: Bates College, Bowdoin College, Colby Collegeand University of Maine University of AlabamaSchool of Medicine 8 year Early Medical School Acceptance Program University of SouthAlabama School of Medicine 8 year College of Medicine Early Acceptance Program (EAP) University ofCalifornia, San Diego, School of Medicine 8 year Medical Scholar Program for UC San Diego - Californiaresidents only 8 year Medical Scholar Program at CalTech University of Cincinnati College of Medicine High School Dual Admission Program University ofConnecticut School of Medicine 8 year Combined Program in Medicine Connecticut residents preferred University ofColorado Denver 8 year BA/BS-MD program University of FloridaCollege of Medicine 7 year Junior Honors Medical Program for college sophomores. University of Hawaii- Manoa 8 year JABSOM Scholar Program: Early acceptance program forentering Hawaii Residents only. University of Illinois at ChicagoSchool of Medicine Guaranteed Professional Program Admissions for Illinois residents from high school to medschool University ofKentucky College of Medicine 7 year BS/MD Program University of MiamiSchool of Medicine 7/8 year Honors Program in Medicine 7/8 year Medical Scholar Program for University of Miamisophomores only University ofMissouri- Kansas City School of Medicine 6-year accelerated program Missouriresidents preferred University of NevadaSchool of Medicine 7 year BS-MD Accelerated Early Admission Program for Nevada residents University of NewMexico School of Medicine 8 year Combined BA/MD Degree Program for New Mexico Residents University ofOklahoma 7/8 year Medical Humanities Program University of PittsburghSchool of Medicine 8 year Guaranteed Admissions Program University ofRochester School of Medicine and Dentistry 8 year Rochester Early Medical Scholars University of SouthFlorida College of Medicine 7 year combined BA/MD Program with the following institutions: University of Southern Florida Honors College, FloridaGulf Coast University, Florida Southern University University of Texas -Texas Residents only University of Texas Medical Branch 8 Year conditional acceptance UT-PACT Program with University of Texas-Dallas and Southwestern Medical Center Texas (UT San Antonio and UTHSCA) 7 year Bachelor/MD program Facilitated Acceptance to Medical Education (FAME) Program A-PRIME TIME Bachelor/MD program at UT Brownsville/El Paso/Pan-American and UTMB-Galveston or UT-Houston -apply as HSsenior or college sophomore -6 year program Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) for Disadvantaged Texas Residents University of ToledoSchool of Medicine 7/8 year BA/MD program with Collegeof Arts and Sciences 8/9 year BS/MD program with College of Engineering Virginia Commonwealth University Guaranteed Admission Program for VCU Honors collegesophomores Wayne StateUniversity School of Medicine 8 year Medstart Program Washington Universityin St. Louis School of Medicine 8 year University Scholar Program in Medicine |
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